Over the
past few weeks I have been working on my “Teaching the Genre”
presentation. I first began my research
by reading chapter 7 on “Poetry Writing” in Tompkins (2012), and was amazed at
the variety of poems students can create; it is a way for them to use their
imagination and make “…vivid word pictures, powerful images, and touching
emotional expressions” (Tompkins, 2012).
As an educator, I struggle with teaching poetry because I am never certain
of the best way to implement instruction.
However after reading this chapter and discussing with my group, I have
developed a deeper understanding of how to incorporate poetry into the
I believe
the best way to begin poetry writing is to show students a variety of examples;
for instance, it was extremely helpful when Dr. Jones illustrated her poem, “If
I Were In Charge Of the World”, before we wrote our own. They provide students with clarity and assist
the teacher in providing clear expectations of the writing piece. I find it very beneficial to know that you
can implement poetry writing in writing workshop in order to allow students to
focus on a particular type of poetry.
There are so many forms, and I think it is easiest to introduce them one
at a time. In addition, writing workshop
lets students draft, revise, edit, and assess their own progress on their
poetry pieces.
It is
important to me, as an educator, to not discourage my students from writing
poetry because I am not comfortable with it.
Tompkins (2012) believes that “…everyone can learn to write poems
successfully” (p. 177). As a result, I need to step outside of my comfort zone
and work as a team with my students to develop poetry writing in the classroom. Tompkins provides an array of formulated
poems, which aid in structuring students’ poetic writing. This is helpful to me as a teacher, to break
down the process of writing poetry and take it one step at a time. Dr. Jones even showed us we can begin with a
graphic organizer in order to organize and jot down our ideas before writing.
There are
many helpful digital tools teachers can use to assist their students in
generating poetry. In my future classroom,
I look forward to using “instant poetry forms”, where students can choose from
more than 60 kinds of poetry and add words into a blank format. This will be extremely helpful for students
who enjoy using a computer over writing on paper. I am learning more and more as I continue my
research, and I am excited to share my findings with my peers. My goal for this project is to show them how
to incorporate poetry writing into their own classrooms and help them feel
confident in teaching it.
Tompkins, G. E.
(2012). Teaching writing:
Balancing process and product (6th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill
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